Classic carpets

Classic Persian and Oriental rugs, extra-fine silk rugs with vegetable and natural colors, and classic floral designs, wool and silk, unique pieces, great masterpieces by master weavers of Nain, Tabriz, Kashan, Isfahan, Mashad, Kerman, Saruk, Qum, Tehran, Birgiand, Mud, Ilam and extra-fine Turkish rugs by the masters of Herekeh and Kaiseri and fine Indian rugs Agra, Kashmir, Srinagar and Afghan and Pakistani rugs Ariana, Sultanabad, Zeigler in various sizes from the smallest and bedside rugs 90 x 60 - 110 x 60 - 200 x 60 - 150 x 100 - 170 x 110 to larger sizes for bedroom, living room and table, 190 x 120 - 240 x 160 - 270 x 180 - 200 x 200 - 250 x 200 - 250 x 250 - 300 x 200 - 300 x 250 - 300 x 300 - 350 x 250 - 400 x 250 - 400 x 300 - 500 x 350 - 600 x 400

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  • Brand: Isfahan - Esfahan clear
  • Measure category: 120x80 clear
Isfahan extra-fine Silk Persia 118x81
Free delivery in 4-7 days - Return Guarantee 30 days
Isfahan Persian Silk carpet 118x81 extra-fine bedside rug with Beige and Taupe colors and white silk