Small - medium sized rugs

Small and medium-sized Persian and oriental carpets

Persian and oriental rugs of small and medium-size and classic single bedside rugs, from traditional floral designs to elegant and refined geometric designs, extra-fine rugs with silk inserts and 100% silk rugs the most recurring patterns are: 80x50 - 90x60 - 120x80 - 150x100 - 170x120 - 185x125 - 200x130 -200x150 - 220x150 - 240x160

Active filters

  • Production: Nain Tabass - Nain Kashmar clear
  • Main colour: White - Beige - White silk clear
Nain Persia 195x121
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Nain wool silk Rug Persia 195x121 light Beige color and  white silk
Nain Persia 88x57 pair
Product available with different options
Pair of Persian Nain bedside carpet wool and silk 88x57-86x56 Red Beige