Small - medium sized rugs

Small and medium-sized Persian and oriental carpets

Persian and oriental rugs of small and medium-size and classic single bedside rugs, from traditional floral designs to elegant and refined geometric designs, extra-fine rugs with silk inserts and 100% silk rugs the most recurring patterns are: 80x50 - 90x60 - 120x80 - 150x100 - 170x120 - 185x125 - 200x130 -200x150 - 220x150 - 240x160

Active filters

  • Main colour: Beige - Orange clear
  • plot composition: Cotton clear
Uzbek Kazak 236x170
Free delivery in 4-7 days - Return Guarantee 30 days
Uzbek Kazak gold rug 236x170 bright colors beige and red orange
Saruk Persia 160x115
Free delivery in 4-7 days - Return Guarantee 30 days
Saruk Persia carpet 160x115 recent with light pastel beige and orange colors
Mud Bedside Rug Persia 110x49
Free delivery in 4-7 days - Return Guarantee 30 days
Persian Bedside Rug Mud wool-silk 110x49 with Beige Orange colors and Silk inserts
Shirvan Uzbek 225x150
Free delivery in 4-7 days - Return Guarantee 30 days
Uzbek Kazak gold rug 198x151 bright colors light blue beige