Medium to large sized rugs

Pardeh measures - Persian and oriental rugs of medium and large sizes from traditional floral designs to elegant and refined geometric designs and extra-fine rugs with silk inserts and 100% silk rugs.

  • The most common measures are: 230_x_150 - 240_x_170 - 250_x_180.
  • Small Pardeh size Rectangular rugs up to 230 in length
  • Classic Pardeh size Rectangular rugs up to 250 in length
  • Pardeh size large rectangular rugs up to 180 in width
  • Normally the classic length/width ratio of the carpets are from 140% to 160% 
Kilim Kaudani Melange 250x188
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Kilim Kaudani Melange 250x188 vegetable and natural pastel colors
Kilim Kaudani Melange 245x173
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Kilim Kaudani Melange extra-large 245x173 vegetable and natural pastel colors
Kilim Kaudani Melange 245x175
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Kilim Kaudani Melange extra-large 245x175 vegetable and natural pastel colors
Damask Deco Contemporary 244x182
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Contemporary Damask deco Bamboo Silk Indian Carpet 244 x 182, there are light colors and innovative modern designs.
Sultanabad gold 230x170
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Sultanabad or Soltanabad extra gold 230x170 Light Beige
Patchwork Kilim 235 x 170
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Patchwork Kilim 235 x 170